He was an English man who lived in 19th century and is regarded as the father of tourism. Just over a hundred and fifty years ago, he started revolution in Travel and Tourism which is still ongoing today. He came up with the idea of making holiday available, affordable and fashionable to ordinary not just the rich. Thomas cook brought us the package holiday, travelers cheques, the hotel coupons and holiday brochure. It was the time of industrial revolution when people had moved from village to cities. There was developing a railway network and new roads which makes people comfort to travel. Public holidays were established by government and suddenly people had more time, money, knowledge and curiosity to travel. People could now link destination with accommodation, transportation and recreation in an integrated way. The holiday package was born. Thomas cook was true opportunist. The new holiday market was about to become his oyster and make his fortune. It all began in 1841 w...
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